Sunday, November 24, 2019

LBS 850 
WEEK 12 
Catalog it! Part Two

...the saga continues...

All I can say after the past two weeks reading this book (Catalog It! Catalog It!: A Guide to Cataloging School Library Materials by Kaplan) is thank God for technology. Having to memorize anything from this book would be torture. It was like trying to read a math book in another language. Most of cataloging today is automated and done with a click of the mouse.

Two sticking points gained through discussions with classmates these past weeks are as follows:

SIGNAGE! and lots of it. Signage on shelves as well as book spines. Because we use the DDC system in our library I need to order stickers for the spines delineating horror, mystery, romance, etc.. I think this will be a big help. I am also creating resource lists on Destiny to help students find genres they love.

SEARCHING: I have spent the last two weeks showing grade 6 students how to use Destiny and the difference between searching by title, keyword and author. They use Destiny a lot, however, I noticed that the 7th and 8th graders quickly forgot about the benefits of Destiny. Today I made a tutorial on how to access and navigate Destiny that I plan to post on the 18 Google classrooms I manage. I will also send it to teachers. Link the to the video here

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