Saturday, October 12, 2019

LBS 850 Blog Post
Week 6
Library Promotion and Social Media

This week I dabbled in looking at which social media sites would best support me as a librarian as well as promote and advocate for my library. Here's a list of possibilities:

1. Instagram
@paschallibrary, @glenthorne_library,
(High School Library in South London) @librarian_fitz (middle school librarian in Texas), @librarianmsg (by Laura Gardner who was the 2016 School Library Journal School Librarian of the Year Finalist at Dartmouth Middle School) and @thebookwrangler

2. Twitter
Botany Downs Secondary College is a good example of a school library effectively using Twitter. (

3. Pinterest

Some library Pinterest pages that I follow and recommend are Oakland Library Teen Zone and Librarian Resources (run by Florida librarian, Andrea Taylor).

4. Facebook
Need I say more?

5. Blogs

The Biblodames: This is multi-platform site is run by librarians Nicole Graham and Jenny Stafford who work together in an urban high school in Forth Worth, Texas. They write a blog, have a Twitter account and a terrific Podcast.
The Daring Librarian Blog. This blog is run by Gwyneth Jones who is a blogger, a Tweeter, a Future Ready International Keynote EdTech & Librarian speaker. She has great ideas to use in the library.

Mrs. Readerpants Blog. This blog was started in 2011 and is run by woman who is an American librarian working at a private international school in China. Prior to working in China, she was a middle school librarian in Texas. She opened three brand-new school libraries in the Fort Worth area: two elementary and one middle school.

book faces! Love this idea!
Image result for book faces

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